Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bits and pieces

Working working, like everyone else I guess, towards Frankfurt things! Here are some sneaky peaks. 

Also, someone (thank you Carola!) kindly alerted me to the fact that I had comments on here set so that you had to sign in - I've changed that now so hopefully anyone can comment. So if you ever feel moved, please do! Always bliss for me to get them.

I'm doing two school talks in Essex tomorrow so hopefully will have some pics of that to put up soon!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Jellicle cats

Inspired by the incredible Alexis Deacon's post on his limited palette shape painting workshop.

The Paper Watch Project

A few weeks ago I was asked by Templar to contribute to their super Paper Watch Project, to raise money for Breast Cancer Care. 

At first I thought of doing an Olive design, but couldn't really imagine her coming out nice squished into the watch space, so then I thought a pattern might be nice - and I had this croc pattern I'd been wanting to do something with. 

Lots of painstaking cutting later, it's...

Croc watch is camouflaged against background, just like REAL crocs waiting to get you!

So now it's Croc O'Clock, all day long!

Templar has been putting up photos of the super contributions coming in from illustrators including Kate McEwen, Holly Surplice and Shaun Tan on their Facebook page if you'd like to see - they are really all fantastic! 

Friday, September 6, 2013

C'est Tralalire Septembre!

Pouët-Pouët, Cacahouète and Patatras return from their holidays. All Cacahouète's things are where he left them!

The big number, counting bones!

Time for bed and Cacahouète isn't quite ready to give up his summer things!