Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bitty bits

I'm still working towards my book deadline and concentrating on that, fitting in some Cacahouète and friends too! And turning my thoughts towards cards again... was thinking about them today, and how my line perhaps doesn't work so well at that size, and that they should be more graphic... I've been keen on making cards for so long and yet somehow always feel quite seized up thinking of how they should look. Anyway, one day soon I hope!

He's actually Crocahouète in this issue! 

Bedtime for dogs and peanuts!


Pencil cowgirls

Book deadline!


Un Petit Blog / Emma Farrarons said...

Totally in love with your charming Cacahouète! Even more so that he's a Crocahouète!

Ella Butler said...

I'm looking forward to your cards A LOT Tor! I, personally, will buy a ton! And P.S. I love Cat-tus!!

Tor Freeman said...

Thanks guys! xx