Monday, June 13, 2011

Working and moving

I've been pretty rubbish about updating lately, and I want to be better. I've been busy moving into a new flat, and three weeks later the dust feels like it's settling a little. Here's a detail from a book I'm working on at the moment.

READING CORNER: Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher. Really made me laugh, and I hadn't realised how long she and Paul Simon were together. Imagine having some of his lyrics about about you...

She comes back to tell me she's gone
As if I didn't know that
As if I didn't know my own bed
As if I'd never noticed
The way she brushed her hair from her forehead...


Unknown said...


Rhianna said...

Truly enjoy your illustrations! Your color schemes and fun characters make me happy! Glad I found your blog!

Tor Freeman said...

Thank you both!